Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility & Business Ethics-Free-Samples

Questions: 1.Has your understanding of the term ethics changed after studying this subject? If so , how has it changed? Justify your answer. 2.Discuss in details the two different types of stake holder to whom management owes a degree of social responsibility. 3.If you were given the responsibility of expanding business operations into foreign countries, what are the TWO (2) global ethical issues you would need to be aware of? Describe these in detail and use examples ( minimum 300-400 words ). 4.Explain the differences between business ethics and social responsibility and describe the four ( 4 ) benefits of business ethics. 5.What is more important in business ,ethics or profit? Justify your answers with appropriate example/s. 6.Todays world is quite different from the one it has been before. Urbanisation and industrialisation have impacted our environment. Describe three global environmental issues that may have impacted out world. Describe these in detail and use examples. ( minimum 300-400 words ) . 7.Explain the key steps that need to be considered in implementing an effective ethics program into a company or organisation . 8.Describe the concept of ethical leadership and provide at least ONE example of an acclaimed ethical leader. 9.Explain in details the following ethical issues and dilemmas i business with ONE relevant example in each : Sexual Harassment Corporate Intelligence. Answers: 1.Ethics are supposed to be the moral strategies which always moderate a persons behaviour. These morals are mainly designed by social norms, cultural practices and other religious impact. Ethics mainly denotes that a s persons behaviour is wrong or right. It is also a code of conduct which directs a human being that how she or he will behave. There are some misconduct in business ethics. There are misuse of company resources, harassment, bribery and accounting fraud. In business organizations there are there are certain code of conduct, norms, policies and practices which are made to maintain the moral balance of the organization. These are mainly known as business ethics and corporate ethics (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2015) . The reasons for which business ethics are that sometimes good ethical morals are not sufficient to restrain form proper ethical misconduct. Ethics also allows to take decisions in a diverse company or organization. It also helps to identify proper ethical issues and the solutions to solve the problems. Ethics also enables in bringing up investor loyalty of the company, employment committee and customer satisfaction. Sometimes the business ethics become little s stringent like imposing restriction on freedom of speech of each individual. This is one of the problem of Ethics but overall business ethics is much important in maintaining the discipline and order and peace in the company. 2.Stakeholders who have s a claim or authority in some part or aspects of v a companys products, operations, markets, industry and outcomes. There are s certain theories of stakeholder which is related to the Corporate Social Responsibility. The descriptive stakeholder approach is explained by Clarkson and he designs that corporate social responsibility, responsiveness and performance are understood by assessing the particular method which specifies s the relationship and behaviour with the customers, government, shareholders with the manager. The normative stakeholder is manly about the mortal duty of the company s or organization to the stakeholder. Its not only about profit gaining issues of the company its mainly about the ethical reputation of the company. Kantian ethics are, in part, based upon the notion that everybody has a moral duty to each other in respect of taking account of each others concerns and opinions. These are the two approaches of the stakeholder which is much related with the corporate social responsibility. 3.The global ethical culture is the cooperative efforts and potential to establish goals and targets and establishing a s proper ethical culture and behaviour. Companies can demonstrate their loyalty to social responsibility by acquiring international standards . The United Nations Global Compact is s a the initiative adopted by the United Nations so that it can motivate the businesses worldwide so that it becomes much acquainted for sustainable and socially responsible policies in a company. The UN Global compact is moral-based structure which has formulated principles in the field of human rights, labour, the environment s and anti-corruption. Presently the Coca-Cola is a company which follows the principles of the UN Global Compact .In terms of human rights , the coca cola company assists and respects the internationally proclaimed human rights. The Coca-cola company has committed to the business which does s not abuses or hampers the human rights of people. Then principles associated with the s freedom of association for the labourers, eradicating forced labour and child labour in the company. There is also elimination of discrepancy in employment and occupation. Any company like Coca-cola should must have adopted certain preventive strategies to environmental issues (Grosser 2016) . The organization or the company must advertise and promote the ideas of environmental responsibility. Every company must use environment friendly technologies. The last principle is very s significant because it works against s all types of corruption including bribery. Sexual s harassment is one of s the important thing which violates the h uman rights. This thing should be strictly prohibited in the office premise. Coca-Cola plays an important part in a number of Global Compact Local Networks around the world by serving on Steering Committees, conducting business community outreach and supporting Network events. 4.Business ethics mainly reveals about the code of conduct, norms s and values s which are framed in the company or s organization. It can be said considered that without s business ethics it is just impossible to run a organization or s company. This definitely creates anarchy, disorder, and a very unhealthy environment. This does not s provide the way to a healthy work place, thus consequently the work progress will deteriorate and the employees will feel not good to work in the office. Therefore, proper rules and regulation, which modifies the behaviour of the people of the company is business ethics. Business ethics is a part of Corporate Social Responsibility. This is because Corporate Social Responsibility is a wider aspect because it deals with maintaining certain aspects related to outside of office or profit making things . For example it delivers rules and principles related to human rights , environment policies, protection of the labourers both in terms of wage and time. These indirectly enhances in the competitive advantage of the company, it also enables in increasing the productivity of the company. There are certain benefits of business Ethics. The first ethics contribution is that it enhances employee commitment. When the company dedicates into ethics then the employee also v dedicates to the work. A safe working environment enables competitive salaries and benefits packages. The second benefit is Ethical culture also enables in delivering productivity and profitability. Therefore, this helps to gain loyal customer. The third benefit is it allows to impose a code which assists in forming a weather of integrity and excellence. It also reduces the inconsistent business standards. The fourth benefit is it also s helps in making proper communication with the suppliers, vendors and stakeholders. The fifth benefit is business ethical codes are protection against the lawsuits. Hence, ethical contributions finally increase in providing good and well-defined products to the customers. 5.It can be said that every company needs profit or revenue generation. Otherwise the company will be unable to continue it living and it will provides security and earning to the employees. The reputation and infrastructure much depends on the revenue generation of s the company. But the thing is revenue generation is not very easy. A proper work culture is much required for every company so that the employees feel working in a environment which makes them feel good and s very ease. Automatically, the company which follows business ethics will put more potential and efficiency in working and s taking decisions. This also leads to the path of providing services and products to the customers. This also appropriates proper value proposition. It can be inferred that if proper cultural or business ethics is not there then the company will also not able to gain profit. A company who is much successful always maintains a proper corporate ethics otherwise it is not possible to maintain a healthy environment of workplace. Hence, there will be disruption in the working. Therefore, there will be a hindrance in the productivity of the company. In that context it is required the business s ethics has to be maintained first if profit has to be gained by the company. 6.There are certain global environment s issues, for example pollution, deforestation and global warming. These are all the issues which have mainly emerged due to the excess number of industries and the products used by the industrialists There is another reason for which these environmental issues have emerged, it is mainly due to the use of luxurious goods . Most scientists opines that the concentration of greenhouses gases like Chlorofluro Carbon gases accelerates global warming. There are also land pollution which occurs from residential and industrial waste, poor forest conservation . This causes health issues, erosion and poisoned groundwater. Plastics , old cell phones and obsolete computers enables in the landfills . Deforestation also enables in poverty and also bring changes in the climate of environment. Urbanization leads the US small communities into a huge scale urban growth. There are certain laws under the Environmental Protection Agency to stop these activities. In present days solar energy which is a renewable energy is used to save the other forms of energy (Weiss 2014). The companies and firms must be responsible to promote green marketing and also use jute bags and paper bags instead of plastic bags. These factors are integrated of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. For example Barista is using coffee cups which is biodegradable. The brand is not utilizing coffee cups with plastic lines. Some companies are using jute bags instead of plastics. The effects of using plastics or anything made up of plastic is that they are not recycled for which they mix with mainly the sea and ocean. It is much harmful for the sustenance of the marine . Moreover deforestation and global warming is that it is rapidly changing the climate and weather of every area of the world. 7.Effective ethics programme assures that all the employees understand and behaves according with the ethical culture. Ethic programs also enable to recognize organizational misconducts. The most ethical misconducts are personal business during company time, abusive behaviour, lying to employers, discrimination based on gender, health and safety violations, manipulating the resource of the company and internet abuse. Sometimes the employees of the organization also stole things like Post-it notes, tape, scissors, toilet papers, USB memory sticks ,notepads , pens s and others. A strong ethical programs which is inclusive of written codes of conduct , ethics officers to observe the ethical conducts , a proper ethical training, vigorous auditing and monitoring of the ethical culture (Hartman et al. 2014) . There should be a continuous scrutiny of the ethical programs and s code of conduct. Sometimes there is ethical dilemma where the rules and regulations are not clear. When a person does any unethical things then he or she will be guilty at first. Thus in order to take ethical decisions value judgments and collective decisions on particular things are much necessary. 8.Ethical leadership is the capacity to guide and motivate others towards a specific goal. The main purpose of the Ethical leader is to form an ethical culture in the company or organization. An ethical leader has the power and the potential to inspire others and impose the organizations norms, policies and outlook of the company. It can be considered that the ethical leadership had positive and healthy relationship with the employees of the organization and will take the required negative actions for the misbehavior or misconduct done by the employee of the organization. In many cases, the colleagues of the organization influence the decisions and thinking. Thus, they fail so execute the principles of ethical leadership. This is a very negative thing that if the leaders are not able to apply the correct principles, then s somewhere or other it has a negative impact on the company itself. The leadership qualities must be variant at different situations. Ethical leaders must set up the value and moral of the company. The leader has to train and foster the employees throughout their career. They must also give credit to the employees values and outlook. There is one example of ethical leadership, for example- Howard Schultz who is the ethical leader of the company Starbucks conducts certain ethical leadership activities. It provides mediocre even to part-time officers and construct funds so that jobs can be formed in USA. 9.Corporate intelligence is the most effective help to proper business decision making. It enables in delivering vital facts and information about the present and future business collaborators , its employees and stakeholders when the company desires to eliminate the risks associated with it. There are certain things like entering new emerging markets, resolving corporate issues, researching about the business opportunities. It can be said that companies seek corporate intelligence before investment or joining into new business partners. This is much important in the arising offshore markets where there is no authentic information on particular people or organization is not available. Then diligent mainstream advisers should take the decisions. Pricewaterhouse Coopers is the firm which was founded by Samuel Lowell Price in London in the year of 1849 and in the year 1993 it was established in Slovenia. This firm mainly provides tax services, audit services and risk assurance services. It has a corporate intelligence team which has a clean and a targeted research and also assessing of market information and intelligence throughout the world. There are certain research methods like permission to the international data universe online and public records. This is a part of companys Social responsibility. This helps to remain competitively ahead of other companies. Sexual harassment in the workplace mainly occurs with the women. According to the United Nations General Recommendation 19 to the Convention on the abolition of all forms of discrimination and violation against women (Rupp et al. 2015). The harassment includes sexually determined behaviour as physical contact and advances, telling abusive words . Sometimes the women employees who put objection sometimes are forced to resign or are not promoted even if they are efficient. There are legislations related to it in India, Australia and England. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013was passed by both the LokSabha and the RajyaSabha and got the permisiion of the President recently and it has become a law in India. In Australia Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Act 2011amended theSex Discrimination Act 1984in May 2011 to expand the protections against sexual harassment. Basically, every organization and companies must include strict rules under the business ethics for the protection of women. Strong penalty must be adopted to punish the offenders. References Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015.Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Giacalone, R.A., Jurkiewicz, C.L. and Promislo, M., 2016. Ethics and well-being: The paradoxical implications of individual differences in ethical orientation.Journal of Business Ethics,137(3), pp.491-506. Grosser, K., 2016. 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Rupp, D.E., Wright, P.M., Aryee, S. and Luo, Y., 2015. Organizational justice, behavioral ethics, and corporate social responsibility: Finally the three shall merge.Management and Organization Review,11(01), pp.15-24. Trevino, L.K. and Nelson, K.A., 2016.Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley Sons. Weiss, J.W., 2014.Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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