Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of Sonnets By John Keats - 1967 Words

The topic I am choosing for the project is sonnets, with a focus on John Keats. I think that sonnets fit into the focus of this seminar because they are a form of a lyric. Like we learned in Jackson’s â€Å"Lyric† article, â€Å"the early modern sonnet becomes the semi-official vehicle of contemporaneous lyric, and both theory and commentary respond to it as a given.† It also talks about the Romantic period was when â€Å"the lyric became a transcendent genre by remaining an idea that could blur the differences among specific verse genres that were actually very much in use in the same period.†(7) A lyric is usually defined as a short poem that is addressed to someone and has personal meaning. (Jackson, 1) My topic fits into this seminar because a sonnet is a fourteen lined poem that can address someone and/or has personal meaning and emotion. The questions I want to pursue for my project is to go more in-depth with the form of the sonnet. I know there is the Petrarchan/Italian and Shakespearean/English forms, but I want to learn further what sets the two apart, how they’re the same, and how Keats’ sonnets fit into it. How does the sonnet fit into being lyric poetry? I want to focus a lot on that. How did the sonnet transform itself during Keats time and how was he a help to that? How have sonnets changed before Romanticism as a lyric? Since Keats comes from the Romantic period, I want to see how Romanticism influenced lyrics and sonnets as well. How does emotion play into being a sonnetShow MoreRelatedOn First Looking Into Chapmans Homer(C.a)1169 Words   |  5 PagesHomer  is a  sonnet  by  English  Romantic  poet  John Keats  (1795-1821) written in October 1816. It tells of the author s astonishment at reading the works of the ancient  Greek  poet  Homer  as freely  translated  by the Elizabethan playwright  George Chapman. 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