Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Medical Statistics Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medical Statistics - Coursework Example The datasets are in tab-delimited text format (â€Å".txt†) – the file you need has your matriculation number on it, for example, if you matriculation number was 123456789 then your file would be called â€Å"AS_123456789.txt†. Also save the file called Assign1.tpf as well (it can help when loading the data into SPSS – see below). To open your dataset in Minitab, go to File > Open Worksheet in Minitab, choose filetype of Text (*.txt), select your dataset and click Open. To open your dataset in SPSS you have two choices: 1. Open the data in Excel and in Excel save it as an Excel file. Then open the Excel file in SPSS the usual way. You could also do this via Minitab. 2. Go to File > Read Text Data in SPSS, choose your file and click OPEN. This will open a window called â€Å"Text Import Wizard – Step 1 of 6†. Click the Yes button to the question â€Å"Does your text file match a predefined format?† and then click on Browse and choose As sign1.tpf and click Open. Then click Finish twice and the data should open. Once you have done this it makes sense to annotate the data (e.g. indicate that 1 means boy and 2 means girl for Sex) and then save the data with an appropriate name in the .sav format before you do any analysis. To open the data in Minitab, having altered the dataset in SPSS, just copy and paste the data directly from the SPSS data editor into Minitab (you could also save a copy of it as an Excel file, and then open that in Minitab). Research question of interest: Do 5 year old children living in deprived areas have worse oral health than 5 year old children living in more affluent areas? Variables in your excel file: RefNumber Child reference number (for admin purposes) DepCat Deprivation category (on a 1-7 scale, where 1 is most affluent and 7 is most deprived). In the catchment area for this study, all the postcode sectors were in DepCat 4, 6 or 7 RegCat String (character) variable, with 3 categories: No tReg – never registered with a dentist; Lapsed – previously registered but now lapsed; Reg – currently registered with a dentist Sex 1 = boys, 2 = girls DFMT Number of teeth with active decay, that are filled or are missing pH pH value of saliva in mouth – the lower it is, the more acidic. Questions NOTE: for Q2 and Q4 you are expected to follow and report on each stage of the Data Analysis Algorithm shown on p1 of Workbook 3, and ensure you cover both confidence interval and hypothesis testing approaches. 1) Using either Minitab or SPSS, obtain appropriate descriptive statistics for the variables Sex, DepCat, RegCat and DFMT. Provide a short interpretation of the output you produce. Answer 1: DepCat DepCat is an indication of the deprivation category. The variable is rated in the scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being the most affluent and 7 being the most deprived. The study was done with people living in the area with DepCat of 4, 6 or 7. Of the total 100 observ ations, there were 96 cases with appropriate value. 4 cases had missing values. This is quantitative analysis, the output of which is given below: Frequencies Statistics DepCat N Valid 96 Missing 4 DepCat Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 4 20 20.0 20.8 20.8 6 34 34.0 35.4 56.3 7 42 42.0 43.8 100.0 Total 96 96.0 100.0 Missing System 4 4.0 Total 100 100.0 The table above shows the frequency table of the variable. It can be seen that most of the respondents had DepCat value of 7 which is the category of most deprived of all the classes. About 43.8

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