Thursday, September 26, 2019

Effective Communication Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Effective Communication Case Study - Essay Example An estimated 22000 people have been killed to date due to inhalation of the gas and thousands have to undergo continuous treatments just to breathe in air and survive. Throughout the crisis the most significant feature to be observed had been the lack of communication between the government officials, the plant management in India, the higher management in America and the local people working and living in the surrounding region. Aside from the public that was directly involved in the operations of the plant, there were also stockholders to be notified, the public relations staff which had no clue as to what was going on and finally the press. These two groups of publics must have proper communication channels but this was not the case in Bhopal as was evident when the crisis struck. The internal public in this case were basically the senior management which was based in the United States, the local workers and their managers, the government officials (as they were holding 49.1% of the total shares along with the private investors and had been responsible for the layout and design of the plant) and finally the residents and people living in the ne ighboring community. These people had a direct impact due to the leakage and were the ones who were directly involved in all the communication which took place in the aftermath. The external public involved was the press which found out about the event and the private stockholders who had little effect over them. This group remained unscathed throughout the whole ordeal. After the event took place the communication was evident to be of poor standard. The press was the deliverer of most of the news as the communication systems of Bhopal itself were completely inept. The U.S. has to rely on the coverage of the press as its main source of info as they had no system of communication prior to the event. The internal public

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