Friday, June 21, 2019

FitMath Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Fit math - Essay ExampleAccording to the research facing the dilemma between scholastic education and extracurricular and health education support be daunting, especially in the light of the impetus to heighten academic performance in schools. FitMath attempts to bridge the gap between physical education and academe by implementing a syllabus involving physical activity, using it as a pathway to reach out to young students who need in so much. FitMath fits Math into the curriculum, allowing students to profit from interdisciplinary learning via health education. In tandem with mathematics, fields such as biology, anatomy, physiology and physics ordain be open to them. Launched by the US government as a programmed new approach towards education, FitMaths objectives consist of a merger of the guiding principles in the Massachusetts Department of Education math and Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frame roleplays, by utilizing aerobics and fitness as a means to support a better unders tanding of mathematical style and concepts. Active participation will bear the fruits of a healthier lifestyle, a more confident perception of ones own physical abilities and stronger perceptiveness in English Language and Science. To assess the effectiveness of FitMath, researchers have decided to conduct an in-depth survey on the participants of five FitMath centers in Massachusetts. By obtaining quantitative and soft data, researchers will have a better understanding of FitMaths impact on students, staff and families. ... 1.3 Participants Participants in this survey are 200 students, 20 educators and 80 parents of students. The targeted age group for students is 10-15 years (grades 6 to 9). A 50/50 gender distribution between male and female students is preferred for better cohort comparison. Seeing that a wide performance gap exists between ethnicities, both minority and majority students will be approached to take this assessment to determine FitMaths ability to close the v acuum and equalize achievements. Participants that will be excluded from this study are infrequent attendees that have missed more than a month of work for the year to date. This step has been taken to ensure that respondents have been receiving optimal training from the FitMath program. To protect the identities of assessment takers, surveys have been resubmitted anonymously to ensure that respondents are allowed freedom to get views unhindered, without fear or favor. 1.4 Qualitative study The qualitative component of the study seeks to acquire from respondents their views on school, FitMath, teachers and social development. Opinions gathered are confidential and will alone serve to understand social, economical and educational backgrounds of participants. Questions seek to elicit from respondents their own estimation of their social and educational abilities and their perspectives in their core relationships, forming the support network. Data smooth here would help boost the kn owledge base on student lifestyles that ultimately affect study habits. 1.5 Quantitative study Statistics gleaned are confidential and will only serve to understand social, economical and educational backgrounds of participants. Personal

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